Showing posts with label architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label architecture. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Software Engineering lost in the cloud?

It would seem the cloud is making you a lazy software engineer. Engineers these days are now have a ready answer for most of the architectural and design concerns - "its taken care at the cloud". This perception is scary and appears to makes any tom-dick-harry engineer with minimal to zero computer/software knowledge "become" "master" software-engineer overnight. This halo is bothering. Whatever happened to clean code / patterns essential to designing your software during the days of distributed computing setup in local clusters ? Perhaps none today cares about minimizing traffic across nodes and syncing time across nodes nor time sharing and optimizing resources during your minimal time at the node. Not sure the solution for this until you are choked to become yet another Harry. hashtag

Saturday, 12 January 2019

ServerFULL deployments

Moving away from Typical service deployments

Rather than have services typically tied to a set of machines and load balanced as-is today in the SOA/SaaS/Microservices world, what if we could just throw a set of servers and get them be assigned/allocated dynamically and more specifically, attain tight packing of services on the same hardware ?

Though mostly exploited on the Cloud with AWS Lamdas and Azure Functions, Serverless as a pattern are awesome for OnPremise deployments too. An interesting set of options for ServerLess OnPremise is available at this list. Though its quite a misnomer in cases of OnPremise deployments where we really need to bother about extreme and efficient hardware utilization of the server, it is preferable to call this approach as ServerFULL as the desired effect is to be fill up the server to the FULL ;)

Once the Docker Images/perhaps later Memory Images are available in shared In-memory/SSD drives, any of the machines/VM could be dynamically chosen for deploying the service and finally un-deployed down once done, allowing the space for the next.

OpenFaas/OpenWhisk seem to be on top of the list with both exploiting Docker containers. Though there is still constraints on elasticity (bringing up new VMs that finally run the Containers is time consuming, while adding more physical machine could take days), it is still an exciting means to efficiently exploit what is available on-premise in the moment.

Just like in Serverless world on the cloud, Services that consume high resources (CPU/RAM) for long duration and the ones that comparatively take higher time to spawn, might not be a candidate for being in the ServerFULL environment as these tend to block up the VMs/containers for long.

Think of designing typical business workflows with events, triggers, logic, nested flows and actions that span in/out, with these getting mapped into services by developers and further mapped to the ServerFULL world of machines dynamically - quite exciting times.



Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Structural Imbalance - In Software Systems

We come across many instances in the industry where "code-lumps" get deployed as software services/products with a beautiful UI included to cover up all the ugliness underneath. The design document too look fancy with usages of software patterns neatly listed. After all this stunt, these modules end up with a short life-span and before long, there are in-numerous critical issues being raised. 
In majority of these cases, product owners were forced into releasing these "code-lumps" that just weren't ready, while in other cases the anointed "architect" had no clues to why the "code-lumps" exist and why the pattern was used. At the first look, the software does appear to function as desired with all the components "working" great in the demos.

How could these be avoided in the first place ?

Just like in typical broken buildings we see across the road, structural imbalance refers to modules that doesn't making sense together. Individually, these chosen components / patterns appear perfect for the problem at hand but they just don't sync enough; structurally.
Right from a birds-eye/logical view to the drilled-down/code view, its critical that a dedicated team of architects reach consensus on the many choices being made every day by engineers.
Only if the team of architects had identified the applicable Non-Functional-Requirements (NFR) and defined them initially. Architects and the team of software designers could drill down into one or modules for a detailed design before coding. 
Though check-ins could be allowed from all engineers, none of it should reach the release pipeline until all the "code-lumps" were removed. Architects & designers must agree that the code comply towards the agreed NFR before promoting the code up its life-cycle.
Working closely with the architects, the product owner would now be more confident in communicating with the stake holders.
Do look forward related article on "Why all software engineers must NOT automatically become an 'Architect' " ; which in addition to looking at skill & interest, also touches upon the essential philosophical outlook required by any upcoming architect.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Interpreting software capabilities - smartly ?

What level of /intelligence/ does a software need such that it can interpret the capabilities / functions of another software?

a. Given the codebase for one software component, can it parse, deduce what the other software is trying to acheive ? (could be called : white-box analysis)

b. Can it watch the way this software component behaves in different situations (inputs) and then deduce behavior ? (black-box analysis). How much time before the it has /understood/ 80% of the behaviour? How could we quantify 80% when we do not know whats 100% ?

b.1 Would observer system watch discreetly or would it be an agreement wherein the observer provides a set of inputs to the observee to respond ?

(i think we are now in the realms of machine learning)

c. Most importantly, can it mimic the behaviors/capabilities that it learned?

d. Interestingly enough ,can the same observer software learn and mimic itself ?

A possible research area.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Humans and Human body as the final Architectural reference point.

Its an interesting perspective to consider humans, their means of interaction with others including other humans, animals, machines, their growth, evolution, human anatomy among others as a software architecture reference point.

Given a scenario for high load data transactions that come in, how would a typical  single human handle it? How would many humans handle it? In case of multiple humans interacting to achieve a goal, how do they interact and how do they establish trust (also read tree-of-trust).

Would the human in concern work on multiple tasks in a round-robin fashion? Would the human sub-contract the work or would he just say he cant do it? What happens as the human matures - is s/he in a better shape to work on this task given the maturity and experience and how ? How do we mimic experience - is it all the time about machine learning?

Can we apply the human interaction and behaviours in a strange crowd and the resulting possible formation of a team into software components that could discover, trust and perform as a single component all dynamically without any system/person intervention? Would the software need "intelligence" to achieve this?

Can we apply principles of healing (physical, psychological) into software's  that report issues in their health - more than bug fixing, can we heal/fix/alter the behaviours of software components based on its interaction with other software components over the years ? Can we apply mentoring and counselling theories into software design?

On a related note, the human body itself provides ample opportunity as a reference point for a software component. There is enough structures already present in a human body that can be mimicked into a single software component.

We could treat the electric impulses within nerves as messages in a integration project or as packets in a tcp/ip transaction as the case may be. Can we include auto-heal modules into software components similar to the way the skin auto-heals (kinda) in case of a bruise/burn. Can we patch systems with antibody software components to further help the module to recover better and sooner? Can we adapt the techniques of 'sense' such as touch, sight etc such that the software component can adapt based on the environment it lives in. In a queue based integration, this could be about sensing the network load, message load and perhaps moving itself to a different machine.

Do we also worry about mutations of software's ? Is reincarnation a versioning mechanism or is it about rewriting completely?

Is the spine analogous to the ESB? Is the food breakdown procedure and waste  disposal a pipeline pattern with unused bytes of data after a filter a software component waste?

Is there a software design problem that this reference model cannot assist with ?

Related Tweet on applying stuff back to the 'normal' world

Sunday, 1 January 2012

COTS Architectures - sure shot architecture anti-pattern.

The typical trend in software architecture definitions of these days appear to be what I prefer to call 'COTS Architectures'. Why 'common-off-the-shelf' ? You take these architecture 'solutions' and it appears to be applicable for nearly all enterprise requirements!. These COTS Architectures appear to be used right from pre-sales proposals and typically would have the following (in a logical diagram) items :

1.) Three tiers - UI, Business, Data with usual layers:
1.1) 'UI process components', 'business objects', 'data transfer objects', 'data access layer' and of course the persistence layer with much regarded 'MVC components' spread across the tiers and layers.
2.) A couple of cross cutting concerns - logging, exception handing, aspects, error handling etc
3.) The interaction channels/protocols usually tcp/http
4.) All nicely drawn in tempting visio diagrams.
5.) You want to make it a bit more Enterprisy, add in a couple of CDN's, 'web servers', 'app servers', 'search servers', 'cache servers', 'document servers', 'enterprise service bus' et al into a cloud and there you go.

Having come across this issue across architects I have worked in past couple of years, my advice typically revolves around this line :

0.) 'COTS architecture' (if it exists) as such is not a solution, but a starting/reference point only. 
1.) Where are the specifics for your application/s ? What blocks are specific to your application that I wouldnt typically find in another application architecture document?
2.) List down the 10 core requirements of your system and tell me which component/block deals with it and what is the overall strategy for the particular requirement-solution. At this point, the architect should be in a position to tell which blocks get active and which other blocks it needs. While defining a service-oriented application, it would be more about which services are consumed by a specific service and what services it provides. 
2.1) Follow the KISS, SOA, SOLID principles religiously. After defining your architecture, read through these principles and figure out if it aligns.
3.) Always split the architecture definition diagrams into many - logical, technical, development and deployment at the bare minimum. Don't clutter and try to fit everything into one. If time permits, go for the conceptual, operations etc too. This additionally makes sure you need to worry about a few stuff only at any point.

Please don't get another 'COTS architecture' into your review meeting. This is not what the client/team want to see.

Friday, 15 July 2011



Enterprise applications of today are no longer independent, but dependent on other applications, services and components for completing their functionality. Authenticating/Trusting another application typically requires having a new authentication/identity management module written for each new application that is integrated. With the advent of claims based/token based authentication, this pain has been eased very much for a developer. Supporting protocols, standards and frameworks such as SAML, WS-Security, WS-Federation, WIF, ADFS etc playing a huge role.

As of today, A developer for application A requiring access to use services of application B would configure the identity providers supported by B to trust A. As this task is most of the time manual and done as part of the deployment phase, the identity management today can be treated static as such. In a world where SOA is exploited, there comes a need to build trusts dynamically, in the same manner as a service is discovered dynamically.

Similar to humans who build trust based on relationships, introductions, recommendations etc, what is proposed in the "dynamic tree of trust" topic area is to have a mechanism that includes new frameworks, protocols, markups, standards that collectively assist in building trust dynamically.

Possibility 1:
An application A wanting to access the functionality/services of an application B can claim that its trusted by another set of applications and provide this set of trust using a markup language to application B. Application B can go through its list of internal tree of trusts and figure out if the trust claims are authentic.

Possibility 2:
An application A wanting to access the functionality/services of an application B can send its identity to application B. Application B internally can apply its 'tree-of-trust' locator algorithm to check if there is any identity provider that appears to know this application A.

Ranking trust:
A ranking mechanism can be used by application B to get the effective-trust index using :
a.) Number of providers that support/trust application A
b.) Depth/level within the 'tree-of-trust'.

Research Possibilities:
1.) Research into dynamically building trust; devise a fool-proof mechanism.
2.) Research into developing a set of
(1.1) protocols
(1.2) standards
(1.3) markups and a
(1.4) sample framework for applications to more easily build trust dynamically without any human interventions, while considering any current trends in claims based authentication/WS-* standards. Especially WS-Federation, WS-Trust.
3.) Research into machine learning mechanisms can be included within the framework to have more robust trust learning mechanism such that the effective ranking is based on prior identity success/failures.
4.) Research into more effective traversal algorithms when the logical structure (not necessarily implementation) of the trust-tree is tree based.
4.1) Research into querying identity providers n level deep on the authenticity of the requestor.
5.) Research into applications in mobile devices.

Applicable thoughts:
1.) Hard Trust - A direct trust setup on an identity provider
2.) Soft Trust - A trust that was build up dynamically. ST (0.5), ST(0.8) etc, wherein the index indicates the effective trust index/rank
3.) On-Behalf-Of – A trust that is directly vouched by another.