Thursday 15 November 2012

Tyco Security Products - Bangalore Openings

Tyco Security Product Bangalore team looking out for a lead engineer and a build engineer.
Find details here :

Monday 11 June 2012

Assembly Line Programming - a practise for better code.

With availability of skilled programmers on the decline, software development firms need to look at alternate approaches for quality software release. A possible approach being multi-level-programming/ assembly-line programming(just coined)

Engineers based on their expertise could be placed in a particular level/rank, with any software development task to be picked up by the lowest of the level developers. S/he can complete as much as possible based on their expertise and knowledge. The completed software piece at each level is pushed to the next level for further work.

Key points:

1.) Completion at each level - It should be noted that after each level, the code is functionally expected to be 100% complete.

2.) More than just cleaning - its about tweaking, making the code artsy/beautiful at each level.

3.) Its more than just a code review. Its about the next level of programmers picking up the code as their starting point and changing (including heavy refactoring) to make the piece of code better , perfect and world class.

4.) Each level of programmer is expected to take ownership of the code in concern. When in your level, you own it.

A streamlined approach such that the programmers down the level get a chance to learn can be implemented with difference-reports emailed after each check-in. No action is expected from the recipient developer at this stage - this just FYI; passionate developers can learn.

Upper level developers shouldn't look at the piece of work as a cleaning/reviewing process, but  as a complete development process. They could treat the inputs they received as templates that are partially filled up. Think of skeletons with minimal flesh that you get - you have the flexibility to tone that piece of art based on your skill.

As you apply the same principle at each level, the code is expected to get cleaner and nearer perfection. Additionally, this makes sure that the very senior/experienced geek is not bothered with the very basic nitty gritty of things.

3 levels of programmers is a good start for any organization. Its quite easy to classify them based on the experience at any software development house.

Pair programming can be pain in some situations where the wavelength of the two developers don't  match - it can get destructive for the experienced developer. With assembly line programming , the experienced developer is on his/her own during the development process.

Theoretically, the unit test cases should not be changed as we are not expected to change the functionality as such. New unit test would definitely be added as the code is polished up the levels. Having said that, there could be instances that the skeletons/contracts can get changed at upper levels.

Cost-Benefit - Each orgranization /  project is on their own to perform a cost benefit analysis and tweak the number of levels as desired.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Interpreting software capabilities - smartly ?

What level of /intelligence/ does a software need such that it can interpret the capabilities / functions of another software?

a. Given the codebase for one software component, can it parse, deduce what the other software is trying to acheive ? (could be called : white-box analysis)

b. Can it watch the way this software component behaves in different situations (inputs) and then deduce behavior ? (black-box analysis). How much time before the it has /understood/ 80% of the behaviour? How could we quantify 80% when we do not know whats 100% ?

b.1 Would observer system watch discreetly or would it be an agreement wherein the observer provides a set of inputs to the observee to respond ?

(i think we are now in the realms of machine learning)

c. Most importantly, can it mimic the behaviors/capabilities that it learned?

d. Interestingly enough ,can the same observer software learn and mimic itself ?

A possible research area.

Friday 23 March 2012

SessionFlow - seamless flow of sessions & context across devices

Typical pain point – you are chatting/composing message/browsing on your mobile and now that you have reached home, you want to switch to your iPad/your favorite other device.

Solution – Track mobile device orientation(gyro) change + the GPS location. If one device is getting tilted clockwise relative with the other device just below it (think about water flowing from a jug to a cup), move the session states from the top device to the bottom. Application of this could be numerous - any application context/state that you need to push to another device could be used using SessionFlow. In case of devices without a gyro/GPS, allow for session push using shared WiFi/BlueTooth etc.

 Stuff Required to be implemented :
           Client libraries on multiple devices that :
  • can interpret the change in orienatation, location, identify if it’s a SessionFlow request.
  • Push state, session, context etc to the SessionFlow servers.
  • Start target app, apply the received state/session/context to the target device application.  Etc and finally give the update back.
  • Continually push location (lat/lang) to the server. 
         Services that :
  • Allow thirdparty servers to register (see point 3).
  • Push session-flow request to thirdparty server
  • Interpret and identify another device below the mentioned device.
  • Can trigger target devices once a session flow request is received. 
        Session Flow Standards/Protocols for client apps and servers to consume :
  • An entire deck of protocols to be created for communication across systems.
  • Define communication sequences and states.
  • Enable target applications and its service application to use the SessionFlow services and libraries.
Business Angle:
  • Vendors would subscribe to sessionflow servers on the cloud for enabling sessionFlow.
  • They could use client libraries for enabling sessionflow on their device applications or just use the standard we provide.
  • Subscription to be based on number of session-moves.
  • Theoretically this can be enabled for anything – including copying files. 
  •                       Exact interpretation of location, altitude, tilt can get tricky – we don’t want the session to flow to your neighbor one floor below.
  •                      Deducing whether the target device is just below can be complex unless some smart indexing is maintained at the server.
  •                     Expect very high load on the servers due to continuous position tracking. Additionally think of non-server based solutions where two devices just move session using wifi/Bluetooth etc.